

WORKOUT 020721

This workout is designed to give tou a huge neuroendocrine response of the body. Complete as many rounds as possible in the order written.
your score is the total amount of rounds completed in 18 minutes.

WORKOUT 050721

With a 14:00 minute clock time, complete as many rounds as possible, as fast as possible within the prescribed amount of time. Complete the work in the order written.

Score is the total amount of rounds plus reps completed within the given time.

WORKOUT 060721

Complete as many rounds as possible within the prescribed amount of time. Make sure the loads are moderate and all sets are completed in unbroken sets of 8 or 4 repetitions. Scale load as needed.

Your score is the total amount of rounds completed within the combined wods

WORKOUT 070721

With a running clock of 20 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible in the order written. Alternate every repetitions for the dumbbell snatches. For the Dumbbell Power Cleans you will need 2 Dumbbells. Scale loads in order to complete large amounts of reps during each set. Your score is the total amount of rounds completed within the prescribed time.

WORKOUT 080721


Start with an empty bar and slowly build in each round until you reach an RPE (Rate of perceived exertion) of during the complex. If you reach an RPE in the complex before the 8 minutes is complete, stay at the load until the 8 minutes is up.


Complete as many reps as possible within each 40 second Intervals. There is a built in 20 seconds remaining time within the minute which serves as your recovery. ... You can tailor the number of reps, completed but challenge yourself to maintain a certain amount of reps through the workout. You will have 1 minute recovery period at the end of each round to assist you with maintaining the amount of reps. This is a high pace workout. Newer athletes should skip a round or movement to avoid muscle fatigue

WORKOUT 090721

With a running clock and with one partner working at a time, perform the prescribed work in the order written as for as many rounds as possible between you both. Partner 1 complete a round then Partner 2 complete a round.

Score is the total amount of rounds completed between you both within the 14:00 minutes.